Afraid of greeting cards because they are an overwhelming stream of kitty-cats and flowers? Would never give one because they are «dull and old-fashioned»? Meet our cutting-edge brand of greeting cards, the Happy Cookie!
Here you enter the territory of the most trendy and at times shocking designs. Here we speak the current vernacular and pull no punches! Yes, we believe that cards are not only for festive occasions and that the text may include not only wishes or compliments.
The Happy Cookie will make you laugh, give you encouragement, poke some fun, support or remind you of something, help you confess, declare something, or speak out, chat and share… and the list can go on and on! In other words, it is a card for communication. A «card messenger», if you wish. What’s more — unlike its electronic counterpart, the Happy Cookie can be displayed on a desk, posted on a fridge or in a photo with you on your social account wall with the #HappyCookie hashtag. Let the world know that greeting cards are fun and trendy!